ASTRAXUS the Two-Headed Purple DragonBooks-of-Aenya on DeviantArt

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ASTRAXUS the Two-Headed Purple Dragon



Lilliea, Rose, and Kalima take a detour into Greyhawk (the original D&D setting) where they meet Sekhmet and confront the two-headed purple dragon, Astraxus. While Greyhawk is copyrighted, the setting is generic enough to inspire events for future books in the series.

Cool Easter Egg: Look carefully and you'll find a colorful looking moose. This is the first appearance of the archenelk, the majestic creature Thelana encountered in The Feral Girl.

About this image: I honestly don't remember where I got this dragon figure, but I've had it since I was a kid, and it's always made for a great prop! The forest is from Terra Tiles, a really great Kickstarter that may or may not be still be available to buy.

Background: My current project, 'The Magiq of Aenya,' is loosely based on the ten-year D&D campaign I ran for my wife and kids. We started out from Aenya, hopped through a Fantastigate, and journeyed through the multiverse in search of my kids characters'---Lilliea and Rose---father.

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Image size
4032x3024px 2.27 MB
iPhone 6s
Shutter Speed
1/30 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Nov 5, 2016 6:48:23 PM -04:00
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markzilla6895's avatar

Be glad it wasn't King Ghidorah. =P