Adventures Of Fred And Derek: 100 Theme Challenge by Bonnzai, literature
Adventures Of Fred And Derek: 100 Theme Challenge
52 Old
F Sometimes, Derek... When I feel the pain in my crack, I feel so old.
D I wouldn't want to be near you when you feel pain in your crack! (laughs)
F Derek, please! Can you stop with the crack jokes? AND the musical jokes?
D We've got to have some continuity.
F Not over MY back!
D Oh please... that back remark is so tempting...
F Fight the temptation, Derek!
D Gee... have we become grouchy or what? We must be getting old...
F Well you know the song... "You're older than you've ever been, and now you're even older...
D That's a great birthday song.
F True too.
(off panel)
F Hey wait! We've forgotten the joke!
D Must be old
The Adventures of Fred and Derek: Text Version by Bonnzai, literature
The Adventures of Fred and Derek: Text Version
Since I probably won't be able to scan and upload all 100 comics, and since the chance of you being able to read my handwriting is low, I'll put the Fred & Derek Stage Version here.
The Adventures Of Fred The Flea And Derek Dustmite; for entertainment before, during and after class: 100 Theme Challenge Transcript.
1 Introduction
F Since we assume you don't know us yet...
D Allow us to introduce ourselves.
F I'm Fred.
D I'm Derek.
FD How do you do?
F We've been colouring the life of our creator for over a year now...
D So we thought we'd step out. Bonnz picked us to host her 100 Theme Challenge.
F Wait Derek, does that mean we have to per