Tagged~! Also, Updates and Stuff :)

6 min read

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bonkers-4-hatter's avatar
Hello~! :3

Well, I got tagged by the lovely :iconoctosprout: X3

1. You must post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
5. No tag backs.
6. No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people.


1. What's your favorite scary movie?

Hmm... Well.. I don't really watch that many scary movies because I'm a totally wimp :iconscaredplz: The only time I watch them is when I'm forced to like when my friends dragged me to the movie theaters to see Insidious o.o  So... yeah, I'll go with that one.

2. Favorite song?

That's a tough one, but my favorite right now is Just Give Me A Reason by P!nk. I really love the song and the music video~!

3. Do you, or do you not, like anime?

I do like Anime~! I've actually just started to get really into it. I always wanted to know more about it, but my other friends didn't really like that stuff so I kept it to myself, but since I got into my last year of High School and now my first year of College, I am in love with it~! I just don't know a lot of anime, so if you guys wouldn't mind suggesting some, I'd gladly watch it! XD

4. Do you have a favorite saying?

XD Well... I'd have to say my favorite saying is 'I'm not fat, I'm fluffy~!' Just because I'm a bigger girl, it kinda makes me feel better about myself in a weird sort of way!!

5. What do you do in your free time?

Well, depends on the day really. on the weekday, I'm usually trying to do homework.. which really sucks q.q  The weekend though is a different story, I'll usually try and write some stories, work on some cosplay stuff, catch up on some Anime episodes and other awesome geeky stuff like that!

6. Who inspires you to do what you do?

All the awesome writers and cosplayers on DA and everywhere~! Ever since going to my first con last year, I've just wanted to make some awesome costumes and hang out with some awesome people and just go to different cons with my friends and have fun in life~! I also want to write some amazing stories in the future!! X3

7. Favorite Cartoon?

It would probably have to be the Total Drama Series~! I just loved that show so much, it was funny and very entertaining!!~

8. Why did you join DA?

To meet some amazing people and to see what kind of amazing things they're creating and sharing to everyone~!

9. Summer, Winter, Spring, Autumn, or Fall?

Summer for sure~!! XD Totally stoked for this Summer especially !!! Anime Mid West here I come!!~

10. You mad that I tagged you? >w<

Naw man, never~! I'm glad you tagged me, it makes me feel special!!! :iconbrohugplz:

I Tag!!!



My Questions~!!

1. What's your favorite Anime?
2. If you were stranded on an island, which sexy Anime man would you want to be stranded with you?
3. Have you ever been to an Anime Convention?
4. What stories do you like to read on DA?
5. What's your favorite thing to do in the Summer?
6. Where would you like to travel to?
7. If you had the chance to live in any Anime world, which would it be?
8. Why did you chose the *insert Anime world here* world?
9. What's your favorite band?
10. How would you react if you got to play seven minutes in heaven with *insert favorite male/female Anime character*?


Other Stuffs!!~

So, if you guys didn't know already, I got my Grell wig and glasses in the mail... I was sad that the glasses didn't have the chain on them like it did in the picture -.-

Oh well... I guess I can easily make it. :3

Anyways, I'm totally terrified to style my beautiful wig o.o  I looked at tutorials and stuff, but I'm scared I'll screw it up and it'll look nasty and stuff so yeah... if you guys have any suggestions I'm totally opened to them. I just don't know where to start with it, it's so long and pretty~!!! X3

Also, sorry I haven't really uploaded anything lately, College is a real pain in the butt. We're in week 11 of 16 so everything cramming together which really, really sucks.

I'll try to have some more Hetaloid stories up and I'm so glad you guys like them!! I wasn't sure how the chunky reader inserts were going to play out, but I guess you guys love them which makes me happy~!!! :D

I'll try to post some more pictures and better ones at that of my cosplay progress. :) So far the gender bent Mario and Grell one's are coming along fine, it's the LSP one, I haven't started yet, but I still have time :3

Oh yeah, does anyone know where I can get contacts in the color of Grell's eyes? I've been searching for them everywhere!

© 2013 - 2025 bonkers-4-hatter
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DerpyPandaz's avatar
Waaah! Ive been TAGGED! Ive never been tagged before! This will be FUUUUN~! Thanks for tagging meh!