Ovidian Serpent Wandbonegoddess on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bonegoddess/art/Ovidian-Serpent-Wand-332889439bonegoddess

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Ovidian Serpent Wand



For sale on Etsy:

A darker piece that conjures visions of rebirth and erotic magic, this wand is a joy to hold; its "tail" wraps around your wrist like a serpent grappling for balance.

The Quartz crystal in this piece is very unique. It has a "spine" of little scales running along its side, aligning with the texture on the springbok horn from which it grows.

The reddish coloring in the grooves of the horn and around the crystals is derived from natural earth-based pigment and mixed with a binding agent to keep it attached to the piece. Please do not submerge it in water, though!

This wand was created at a time of great change in my life; it seems to have something stimulating and provocative about it. It commands attention and asks to be picked up whenever someone sees it. If you are seeking change or on the cusp of it, this might be the perfect wand for you, especially as we are nearing Samhain. What better ally on the night when the dead walk with us, the end of the old year, the beginning of the new?
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1500x1125px 195.25 KB
ยฉ 2012 - 2025 bonegoddess
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Malice41967's avatar
Please, I have sent you a couple notes asking for the price of this Wand. I seriously want to buy it.