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Aaaand, here's my Roblox OC, BombtailsTheFox (I understand Roblox is bad, but i like to play that game).
I always though of someone being the rival of my Spiral Knight's OC, and so i decided to use my Roblox character as one (Keep in mind that the difference between Bombtails-The-Fox and BombtailsTheFox, is their appearence, the game they appear and the lack of the minus bar (this one: "-").
Hovewer, expect some egg puns.
I always though of someone being the rival of my Spiral Knight's OC, and so i decided to use my Roblox character as one (Keep in mind that the difference between Bombtails-The-Fox and BombtailsTheFox, is their appearence, the game they appear and the lack of the minus bar (this one: "-").
Hovewer, expect some egg puns.
Image size
785x394px 77.83 KB
Β© 2018 - 2024 bombtails2
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