BokuNoPikohan on DeviantArt

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BokuNoPikohan's avatar

Love Hina 2014



Love Hina was the manga that compelled me to start drawing more seriously. I think Akamatsu's style strongly influenced my early figures, though it is not quite as apparent anymore.

This piece was inspired by a Love Hina fanart I had in the early 2000s. It's (to the best of my memory) similar but blue tinted. I've tried to find it again many times without success.

Clockwise from the top left: Shinobu, Su, Naru, Mitsune, and Motoko.

Pencil, ThinkPad Yoga, Photoshop CS2.
Watches, full views, flames and the like appreciated!
Image size
760x1120px 209.99 KB
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Yokaiou's avatar
Nice combination of anime and manga art style.