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BokuNoPikohan's avatar

Aria Trio 2015



I like to redraw things. I figure I had my paint act together now, so I redrew this mediocre piece from 2012 (again: Aria Trio 2012 R2).

This one is pretty much pose for pose, though, and I think it turned out quite well. 

I think I still need to figure out some things around cleaning up line art, but that's for next time...

Pencil, PS CS2 on Lenovo TP Yoga
Watches, full views, flames and the like appreciated!
Image size
1366x768px 235.53 KB
Date Taken
Jan 17, 2015, 2:36:32 PM
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wraith11's avatar
Looks great mate, love the warm lighting. The poses were pretty good the first time around but, how to put it, the somehow feel like they've more life in this new version.

Man, it's been ages since I watched ARIA... mostly because I usually have stuff to do and starting the series is a good way to write off the day...