Favourite Movies
LOTR, Harry Poter, Lost in space, Terminator, Batman..
Favourite TV Shows
Big bang theory, Star trek, Andromeda, Babylon 5...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dream Theater, Jordan Rudess, Rhapsody of fire, Nightwish, Children of bodom, Marilyn Manson..
Favourite Games
Singularity, Dead Space, Mafia, NFS, Dirt 3, Assassin's Creed, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, GTA...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Nikon D800, Nikkor 14-24mm F2.8, Nikkor 50mm f1.4D, Sigma 150mm f2.8 macro, SB-900
Other Interests
PHOTOGRAPHY and Music, playing keyboards, piano