DU: Planet AFL round 2 Page 3bogmonster on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bogmonster/art/DU-Planet-AFL-round-2-Page-3-544329431bogmonster

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DU: Planet AFL round 2 Page 3



So here's the real fighting!  Steven finds that Vicky isn't as easy to shoot as his last opponent.  Vicky's power generates a forcefield around her when she's running at super speeds.  Even Wolf Pistol bullets can't penetrate it, apparently!  
I know that Steven Maximus is super strong and all, but you'll see that Vicky works pretty fast, even when her opponent recovers quickly.

just realized that in panel 3, steve was missing one of his guns!  that's all fixed now!  (not that anyone but ME noticed, i guess)  now i can sleep tonight!
****    ****

Steven Maximus fav.me/d5k269g belongs to :iconzorzathir:
Vicky V fav.me/d3532mo is all mine :iconbogmonster:

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Speedslide's avatar
When you're a speedster, EVERYTHING that hits you head-on is like a bullet. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking of that. ^^

But as we saw with Virtus and the cannonball, that doesn't mean they can't be thrown around when smacking into something that's heavier than them.