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Deal with the Debu
“AND STAY OUT!”The door loudly slammed in front of the brunette’s face. Months of job searching and working in this dead-end job had gone to waste. This was the beginning of the end of Julie’s life as she knew it. Just my luck… She thought. Making her way downtown, the brunette was caught in the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Hundreds of other people crowded the streets, all walking towards their own destinations as the sun was just beginning to set in the sky. One little mistake and he tosses me out on the street like nothing. Well, this week’s one mistake… Grabbing her white t-shirt slightly, she could see the coffee stain that th...
Achievement Unlocked Chapter 48
Achievement Unlocked Chapter 48.[BBW, SSBBW, weight gain, fat, fat, stuffing, feederism, fattening, tube feeding, immobility, obesity, sex, very minor sci-fi.]The wedding party went on for a little over twelve days. We thought at first that most would head home after a day or two, the greed and hedonism on display a little too much. We predicted that by the end it would just be myself, Chloe, Mel and her entourage and a few other stubborn revelers left at the table. But we were wrong. Hardly anyone left early, and if they did it was only a day or two. The party went on as it did the first night, the guests losing themselves in a haze of g...
Sweet Punishment: Regenerating Doughnut
The night hours of a rather empty apartment found a woman named Kristella Martins in front of an odd woman cloaked in green robes. The odd woman kept wearing such an odd smile on her face, suggesting she was making herself laugh with silly thoughts. Kristella chuckled at the silence in the area. "Okay, I still have no idea why you're here." "You're the one who called me for a private magic lesson. I'd grant you powerful magic for free, though." Kristella batted her blue eyes. However, despite her clear, tan skin, large breasts, and softened thighs to match her slim hourglass form, Kristella was street smart. To her, something ...
Hello! This story is a final epilogue to my very good friend CSMKynes 's story "The Transformation Punishment Program." It is several short chapters, each with a picture! The picture for this chapter was a commission I had them do.
Here is a link to the first part of the story:…
Come back and read this one once you are caught up!
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