La Pedrera Loft Spacebobswin on DeviantArt

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La Pedrera Loft Space



La Pedrera Loft Space

Casa Mila, widely known as La Pedrera (The Stone Quarry), is an iconic Modernist building in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.  The loft (attic) was originally used as a laundry space.  It supports the roof above by means of a large number of catenary arches.  These make the curve that a chain would make under its own weight when held at both ends.  This style of arch is traditional in Catalonia.  The ribs of the arches are very thin, the components are more like tiles laid edgeways than bricks.  The overall result resembles the ribs of an animal or of an upturned boat.

For the other aspects of this building see
La Pedrera Exterior Barcelona by bobswin + La Pedrera Sideboard Barcelona by bobswin

Panasonic DMC-LX7, edited in Photoshop Elements.  Constructive criticism welcome.

(c) - September 2018. This picture is not public domain, please do not use it elsewhere.
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