Hooves and Fins V cap.01 - pag.24BOAStudio on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/boastudio/art/Hooves-and-Fins-V-cap-01-pag-24-575506006BOAStudio

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Hooves and Fins V cap.01 - pag.24



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Cap.02: "Unsigned"

Behind the Camera: Lotus and Paper - Night of love.


Already one month after announcing the change in the system of publication of my sleeves, which is not yet running at 100%, and I could not even finish the current chapter of "Ningyo-chan" .... Xp ... in what this new system is well structure, kill a little waiting half the next chapter of "Hooves & Fins V" .... hope you enjoy these pages ... ^ w ^


Ya ha transcurrido un mes desde que anuncie el cambio en el sistema de publicacion de mis mangas, el cual aun no esta funcionando al 100%, ya que no he podido terminar aun el actual capitulo de "Ningyo-chan".... Xp... en lo que se estructura bien este nuevo sistema, matare un poco la espera con la mitad del siguiente capitulo de "Hooves & Fins V".... espero disfruten de estas paginas...^w^

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