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Hooves and Fins 28





Hooves & Fins
28: Fact and Fiction.

-Paper Dreams: Miss Cheerilee, here I have cartoons that asked me to school everyday.

-Cheerilee: Paper Dreams Thanks, but I'd like to talk a bit about the topic you drive.

-Paper Dreams: Is there something wrong with my work?

-Cheerilee: That's not only thought to use a super themed ponies is not a very good influence foals, after all do not want to create them the wrong idea about what is real and what is not.

-Paper Dreams: Is something Miss Cheerilee?

-Cheerilee: I think I'll have to reconsider my concept a bit real!
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600x888px 461.2 KB
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Naty-Pie12-12's avatar
encontre una parodia a Marvel Pantera Negra, la zebra del panel final se parece mucho a Pantera Negra solo que en el ponyverso seria Zebra Negra