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Primal Zerg Yagdra



Starcraft 2: Primal Zerg Yagdra
Modeled by Phill Gonzales, final texture pass by Ted Park!
Animated by Jay Hathaway

Yagdra was based on a Mr.--Jack concept and specifically intended to be a Zerus boss monster (unlike Kraith and Slivan, who were repurposed from multiplayer unit designs). Yagdra's development was a very literal adaptation from the concept art, aside from the claws which protrude from his head. While modeling Yagdra there was an Ultralisk in the 3d file for size comparison which spurred Samwise to request the claws be added to Yagdra's design.

One of my favorite aspects of this character is the asymmetrical elements such as the broken claw and melted arm on his left side. Starcraft 2's units are so small that asymmetrical details are often overlooked and not worth including.

© 2013 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Image size
1200x690px 365.07 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Boarguts
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I really love Starcraft 2.
Especially its concept. But it is kinda.. Rushed.
I can wait 10 years for a game, but others.. I am not really sure.