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DOOM Lineup - Satellite Soda - Daily Draw 2015



Deviation is going to update 27 more times for the Satellite Soda Daily Draw 2015:…

Subject & theme were something I've been wanting to do since last year's winter break! Back in the day, when my parents upgraded to a PC capable of gaming, I played the shit out of Doom 1 & 2. Doom, Duke Nukem, Warcraft 2, and Quake 2, those titles had an abundant customization community which was a huge influence on my future working in games. I really wanted to pay homage to the these classic sprites!

I wanted to really push the scale of these characters, especially the demons. Immersion is a my favorite part of making game art. Many of these scales are not literal to the Doom 1 & 2 sprites, more accurately representing what I recollect from playing the games. 

Also, I gender swapped the whole lineup because good character designs can withstand race and gender reassignments (& it's a good exercise!).

Thanks for reading and thanks to you everybody who tolerated my spammy updates this month! 

Daily write-ups: 

Day:01 - UAC Space Marine

Kenneth Scott (former ID art director) has an awesome eye for making hard surfaces look organic, I referenced various pieces of the Doom 3 space marine armor to update the sprite. Many of the redesigns he oversaw will be incorporated into these sprite updates. Shotguns do not need updating however, even in the future they are useful! 

Day: 02 - Zombie Soldier

Used the armor seen in Doom 3 for this update. Took some artistic liberties with the zombies and will be amping up the rot. The Doom Zombie Soldier sprite's rifle was generic and there was no rifle to pickup in the first two games and Doom 3's machine gun is a smaller sub-machine gun. Referenced another ID game for the Zombie Soldier's rifle: the Authority Machine Gun from Rage

The Authority Machine gun was made by Dan S. :icondanquish:

Day: 03 - Zombie Sergeant

The armor on the Zombie Sergeant I referenced the marine body armor seen throughout Doom 3. I used the Super Shotgun design from Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (I like using it the most when I played!). 

Day: 04 - Zombie Chaingunner

The Zombie Chaingunner's armor is based on the Authority Enforcer from Rage. The Chaingun is the updated appearance from Doom3. The Zombie Commandos (who use chainguns) in Doom 3 have a unique style of their own, but I have to admit being pretty partial to the look of these stalking husky brutes from Doom 1 & 2. 

Authority Enforcer was modeled by Vitaliy Naymushin:

Day: 05 - Imp

All the original character sprite designs are being gender-swapped. The Imp is here now so it's much more obvious what's going on. 

Went for the bodybuilder with breast implants look. Very challenging updating this sprite with more detail while staying true to the original art. Referenced some really early Doom 3 imp designs for the little scratchy hands. 

Day: 06 - Pinky Demon

The memorable Pinky Demon I've attempted to draw in the past with no success. Adjusted the anatomy in several places, adding a sagging belly and elderly droopy breast, put another joint in the legs so they worked a little nicer, and borrowed some of the Doom 3/Doom Movie Pinky demon maw-mouth. Pinky also shows off some scale adjustments planned for the demons! 

I really liked the Pinky Demon's redesign in Doom 3, would love to draw it in the future! 

Day: 07 - Baroness of Hell

Referenced Adrian Carmack's Baron of Hell concept when drawing the detailed head (… ). The chest and arms were once again based on lady bodybuilders, but kept the nice nasty looking abs from the sprite. Hands are based off the Hell Knight look from Doom 3. I omitted the fur covered lower body, I'm treating all the demons as sweaty flesh beasts who live in hot hell-holes and don't need fur. Split the hooves for more visual detail. 

Day: 08 - Cacodemon

OK ok! The Cacodemon and Pain Elemental had nasty looking ass-ends that I would have emphasized gender upon if I were drawing those demons from behind. Since these are all front-views take my word for it, THEY'RE LADIES! 

The Cacodemon is at fault for prompting this Doom themed daily draw! I was looking for a fun subject for a daily sketch during #inktober2014 and decided to draw the Cacodemon after looking for ideas in an inspiration image folder. Such a fun creature it's worth drawing twice! I always loved the expressive feedback they provided in Doom 1 & 2, getting shot in your floating demon face looks uncomfortable! 

First Cacodemon at the bottom right of this piece -  Fats - Inktober 2014 by PhillGonzo

Day: 09 - Pain Elemental 

Not much changed once again, more a high-resolution sprite than a redesign. I love the arms on these devious meatballs! Maybe there is missed potential not redesigning these flying enemies, but I'm aching to get onto the Archvile, Mancubus, and Revenant. 

Day: 10 - Lost Souls

Burning devil skulls! Not fussing too much with the simplicity of these sprites, I do really enjoy both updated versions from Doom 3. I really loved the lore behind the Doom 3 lady-faced ones, that the detached head flying around was just another form of the same demonic possession sweeping through Mars. A daydream of mine is that the zombie colonists heads would get a second wind if you didn't dispatch them with a headshot - their flesh would burn off and a Lost Soul would have another go at you. It would make clearing big zombie crowds even more maddening! 

Day: 11 & 12 - Archvile

Staying honest on the progress for the Archvile (2 days), some of these drawings are going to start requiring multiple sessions to complete. Head is based very lovingly on the Adrian Carmack concept!

My sister was really young when I played through this game obsessively, I remember she'd seen some Archvile encounters and unaware of the official name, she dubbed them "Bringer-Backers". Well done sis! 

Day: 13 & 14 - Revenant

Been looking forward to the cybernetic demons! I'm a big fan of the implication that the more advanced demons are augmented with machinery. The Revenant visual update in Doom 3 has a lovely chest armor design I couldn't neglect to use for this rendition! Completely forgot how much lingering meaty flesh the sprites have (which is always fun to draw!). Some play through of Doom 1 & 2 reminded me of how completely rude these demons were, shooting rockets from afar and face-punching at close range!

Day: 15 - Mancubus

These are my favorite demons from Doom and the sprite I've been looking forward the most to rendering! The Mancubus death animation in Doom 1 & 2 was gruesome and gratifying! An appropriate end to these demonic obstacles. A detail I'd overlooked from the original design was the 6 breasts! I hadn't seen the original maquette before starting this series of drawings. 

I've been very fortunate to see an abundance of preproduction work for the Mancubus from Doom 3. There was some fantastic anatomical work done on early states of the Mancubus that I've tried to bring back, in addition to incorporating the appearance of the rocket arms from Doom 3. I'd love to draw the Doom 3 version side-by-side with this one someday, the ID update was executed perfectly, even the new sounds were fittingly horrible!

:edit: Added some more wires that are the same size as those seen on the Arachnotron to help maintain the scale with the other characters. 

Day: 16 & 17 - Arachnotron

Referenced heavily from the Rage Sentry Bot (a more recent Id robot spider-leg design). I wanted to imply that these guys were more numerous and weak, the legs have various coverings missing and more exposed wires to carry that vulnerable appearance throughout the design. The Arachnotron has been scaled down to humanoid height. This scale will also make the Spider Mastermind (next up) look more impressive next to his minion. The early Doom 3 concept of the Spider Mastermind was pillaged for many aesthetic details.  

Day: 18 - Spider Mastermind

Huly Chit guys this one is going to take like... 3-4 days... he's big. 

Day 18 - Just uprezzed the parts of the sprite I'm going to retain, detailed hands more, added in some extra tubes in the wrists. Sagging breasts added. 

Day 19 - Built the legs in 3dsMax based off the Kenneth Scott concept from Doom 3. Messed with the pose and getting the 3d legs in the image for about 10 minutes. Really liking the massive machinery on the legs, it makes the Spider Mastermind feel much more threatening. Will break up the mechanics so there is a sense of the same complexity as the Mancubus arm-cannons. Some adjusting needed still, but the 3d legs will help a ton for perspective. 

Day 20 - Finalized reference model with a quick build for the gatling gun. Very much in love with the scale the Spider Mastermind has compared to the other characters, looking very durable! Legs illustrated and line weights emphasized. 

Day 21 - Much shading done, the bigger characters are taking longer and longer now, the Cyberdemon might be a little more forgiving since the organic shading is easier then the hard surface work.  

Day 22 - Done for now! Perhaps adjustments will be needed later, my feeling is the Arachnotron's legs are very detailed (maybe too much) while the Spider Mastermind is more simplified. Gotta keep going!

Day: 23 - Cyberdemon

Very much looking forward to this character! The Head is mostly the original Adrian Carmack design. The rocket arm I've borrowed some bits from the Doom 3 Cyberdemon (most notably the bicep-piston) while trying to keep the end of the rocket launcher barrel looking like the original with more detail. The intact leg has some anatomical tweaks like the cloven hoof. The cybernetic leg barrows the Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil Bruiser leg mechanics. The breasts I've referenced from pictures of post-op mastectomy repair work. 

Sketch completed tonight and starting to layer in the line weight + cleanup!

Day 24 - Lineweights and cleanup done on upper body. 

Day 25 - More line weight and cleanup. Just machinery left!

Day 26 - Modeled the rocket arm and transferred onto the lineup. Did line cleanup on the leg. ready to do final lineweights and shading. 

Day 27 - Shading! Tomorrow is the last day! I'll be getting done right on time! 

Day: 28 - Finished!

I think.... I think i'm done? The Cyberdemon shading wrapped up very quickly and seeing everything all together is very encouraging. This month went by so fast! 

Icon of Sin included as a nice bookend! Photo ref used for Mr. Romero. Thanks for all the good times! 


TONS of ID Software art ref used. 

Adrian Carmack, Gregor Punchatz, Kevin Cloud for Doom 1 & 2 art! 

Kenneth Scott: ID Artist, I'm referencing his high resolution artwork heavily from Doom, Quake, and Rage (it is implied those games are from the same universe). 

John Romero: The ID alumni's twitter is a great resource for content such as sprite sheets, concepts, and pictures of the figurines that the sprites were sourced from (I had no idea!). Invaluable stuff for this series! 

The Doom Wiki:


and MANY of screenshots from the games... a bit of a pain in the ass to round up. 
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ArchvileofdoomII's avatar
Too bad Romero's head doesn't have a set of fine breasts ☹️