::Fancy Flies Brushes::Boalynn-Stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/boalynn-stock/art/Fancy-Flies-Brushes-31166711Boalynn-Stock

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Boalynn-Stock's avatar

::Fancy Flies Brushes::



Made in Photoshop CS
Please link and note back :heart:
© 2006 - 2025 Boalynn-Stock
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OibyrdsDDs's avatar
Hi There! :wave:
You have just earned yourself an O.D.D.(^oibyrd's daily devs) feature! :winner: congrats!!! :clap:!
O.D.D.S are to honor the sometimes overlooked artists of dA that I personally think deserve some exposure and also, to introduce the more popular artists to the new/overlooked deviants. I prefer to showcase ALL artwork that I love (and that includes popular artists with a fair amount of traffic to their work) in order to create a non-biased feature of the talent on dA. *PLZ DO KEEP IN MIND - some of the features are quite popular and obviously don't need extra help - however - I enjoy posting them because they inspire other artists. Please click the link below to see your work featured and to view other featured artists . If you prefer not to be a featured artist, just send me a note and I will remove you from the list. Cheers! Sandi xoxo :Heart:
the link to your feature - [link]
my art account -> ^oibyrd
my stock account -> ~oibyrd-stock