Boalua's avatar


0 Watchers26 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Spain
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

Current Residence: Narón ( A Coruña ) - Spain
Favourite genre of music: Electronic, New Wave, Pop
Favourite photographer: Mario Colonel
Favourite style of art: Minimalistic
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate
Favourite cartoon character: Peter Griffin

Favourite Visual Artist
Pablo Picasso
Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Depeche Mode
Favourite Writers
Christian Jacq
Favourite Games
Silent Hill
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Pc's, deskmod, animals, sport, history and geography

Profile Comments 9

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nice gallery
:D Boalua es primo de Khalua? :D
Es que tus trabajos me encantan man
Hey Oscar! My dog has the same name as you :rofl:

Thanks a lot for all the favs!
cool thanks for the watch, holy crap, depeche mode totally rocks, i LOVE them!!
Thanks for the :+fav: [link] ;)
Thanks for your coments :)