FAQs [as of June 2019]

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Deviation Actions

Bnspyrd's avatar
:bulletpink: The Vintage Photos, do not require a credit to my account, UNLESS they are from my families personal collection.

:bulletpink: For my decorative stock-art and other non-vintage resources

C R E D I T + L I N K + S H A R E

This means:
1. You MUST CREDIT my account Bnspyrd

2. And provide a LINK to the image you have used

3. And then you must SHARE* your art with me, whether it is uploaded on deviantART or elsewhere online.
*You may notify me however you prefer:
COMMENT: under stock image used OR leave a comment on my deviantART profile page OR send me a note.

:bulletpink: You are allowed to use my resources in your school projects.
Where possible, please credit my resources and a simple message to let me know you have used it for school would be nice.

:bulletpink: You are allowed to use my resources in your ROLE-PLAYING.
Where possible, please credit my resources and a simple message to let me know you have used it.

:bulletpink: You are allowed to add my resources (including the vintage photos) to your video/youtube projects.
This includes, music videos, backgrounds etc.. Where possible, please credit my resources.

:bulletpink: You may display your art, created from my stock online.
Anywhere you like online, or in the real world.
Where possible please remember to credit my stocks/provide a link back and notify me of doing so.

:bulletpink: You may display/promote my stock-art anywhere you like online/or in the real world.
Where possible please remember to credit by placing a link back to Bnspyrd or use the web address.

:bulletpink: EXCLUSIVE STOCK IMAGE(S) If you wish to have Exclusive use of one of my border art designs, please contact me first. I am also open to commission for designing decorative border art for your book cover/product, please contact me. I am readily contactable through my facebook fanpage.

:bulletpink: The Tilli-Child stock has a few restrictions:
Tilli is my daughter. So please be mindful of the type of art you create with her images. I would expect you to either manip/reference from them as nicely as possible.
- Most Dark genres are fine, like gothic, vampire, ghosts, Halloween etc..
- deviantArt prints/merchandise are fine.
- Exclusive Tilli-Child stock images/packs are available to purchase/contest winners with the same restrictions/rules.
- These images will always remain Restricted Use.
- NO racist, no bloody, no sexualised themes with the Tilli-Child stock images.

:bulletyellow: You are NOT permitted to create scrapbooking resources at all, from any of my (non-vintage) decorative designs, collage sheets, textures, stock model photographs, pre-cut images.
I have had far too many issues with this, with etsy and other websites.
When I discover you have created collage sheets, scrapbooking products etc.. I shall take legal action with both you and the site they are uploaded on. I am VERY serious about this matter!

:bulletyellow: You are NOT permitted to create cut-outs or pre-made stock from any of my (non-vintage) resources unless you have personally asked for my permission to do so, or we have an on-going agreement with one another.
Again, when I discover my images have been used as such, I shall take legal action.

:bulletyellow: Selling or redistribution of any of the images: "as stock" in my entire gallery is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN without my express and written consent.


D I G I T A L . P U B L I C A T I O N S . F E E S:
[ie. e-books, photo books, lulu, digital print books, Amazon etc...]

:bulletpink: For small budget publishing - a one-off fee of AUD$50

:bulletpink: For big publishing companies - a fee (from) AUD$200 every publication.

:bulletorange: My preferred method of payment is PayPal please message me for details
You do not need to be a member of PayPal to use the site, and they also accept credit card payments.

:bulletorange: I also accept dA :points: as a method of payment.

:bulletorange: I also require a credit/link written as Bnspyrd somewhere on the website and the digital publication.

[ie. paperbacks, photo books, poetry, hardbacks, glossy magazines etc..]

:bulletpink: For small budget publishing - a one-off fee of AUD$100

:bulletpink: For big publishing companies - a fee (from) AUD$300 every publication.

:bulletorange: My preferred method of payment is PayPal my PayPal email is /inspyretash@gmail.com
You do not need to be a member of PayPal to use the site, and they also accept credit card payments.

:bulletorange: I also require a credit/link written as Bnspyrd somewhere on the book/product.
© 2011 - 2024 Bnspyrd
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FireCoral417's avatar
There are a few vintage photos I'm thinking of using for a sticker design that will be handed out for free by my client, a book author. What are the restrictions on printing? Photos used will be elements of the design I'm creating--not reproduced exactly as show here. Thank you!