ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Deviation Actions
"Hey, come on down! I have a few appointments available if you need something done! Go ahead and read over what we've got available while I finish up here."
Seraph's Styling Station
The B-NOMALY All-Around Design Desk
Here you can get help with B-NOMALY design work, such as getting customs done, getting help with a redesign, and the like!
Available Designers:
Free slots:
1: Open!
2: Open!
3: Open!
Working on a queue to avoid burnout - if this fills up, let me know if you want to be on a pinglist for open slots!
If you have an undesigned custom, this is where you can get it designed! Please fill out this form - remember to ping an official designer (listed above), but if you don't have any strong opinions about what you'd like for another point on the form, feel free to say so or just leave it blank.REPLY HERE with the following form for Customs!
Custom Form:
Designer: [Ping one of the listed Available Designers, please!]Custom Type: [You should have your customs listed on the Lorekeeper - if you had them in your Token Tracker and they haven't been transferred, use Inventory Transfer! We just wanna make sure we're using the right one if you have multiple.]
Preferred Traits: [A strict list of specific traits, a vague list of types of traits, a list of traits you like but you're fine with a couple more being added on, etc, are all ok!]
Design Information: [Any color scheme information, design themes, and the like go here!]
Some further info on customs:
Partially a FAQ, partially things that are likely to come up, so they're here in advance to be useful!
-How do I know how many traits I can use?
-All B-NOMS can use unlimited B-Class traits (provided that using a combination wouldn't require an Anarchic trait, eg Multi Tail); Mutants can use up to 3 Anarchic traits; A-NOMALY customs have their maximum amount of Anarchic traits listed in their description (previously in the Token Tracker)!
-Can I design my custom instead?/Can my friend design my custom?
-Yeah, you can use a custom slot as if it's a MYO slot! There's a MYO form a bit later in this journal. You can drop off designs made by a friend or someone you commissioned there too.
-If I have a B-NOM that can have a custom Fogholder form designed, can I drop that off here?
-Yeah, the Preferred Traits section probably isn't super relevant in that case so just put in "Fogholder Form for [BNOMALY-labs masterlist link]" or something similar in the Custom Type and fill out the Design Information with whatever you'd like!
-Can this be used for eggs?
-Yep! Just link to where you got your egg/hatchling as proof for your custom type.
-All B-NOMS can use unlimited B-Class traits (provided that using a combination wouldn't require an Anarchic trait, eg Multi Tail); Mutants can use up to 3 Anarchic traits; A-NOMALY customs have their maximum amount of Anarchic traits listed in their description (previously in the Token Tracker)!
-Can I design my custom instead?/Can my friend design my custom?
-Yeah, you can use a custom slot as if it's a MYO slot! There's a MYO form a bit later in this journal. You can drop off designs made by a friend or someone you commissioned there too.
-If I have a B-NOM that can have a custom Fogholder form designed, can I drop that off here?
-Yeah, the Preferred Traits section probably isn't super relevant in that case so just put in "Fogholder Form for [BNOMALY-labs masterlist link]" or something similar in the Custom Type and fill out the Design Information with whatever you'd like!
-Can this be used for eggs?
-Yep! Just link to where you got your egg/hatchling as proof for your custom type.
Design Makeovers, Trait Changes
We handle updates to uploaded B-NOMs here too! Check out the form below and the additional info and let us know what you need!REPLY HERE with the following form for a Dye and Ink Job!
Dye and Ink Job Form:
Note that being able to order a makeover as a custom requires the Dye and Ink Job: Seraph's Choice item.Designer: [Ping one of the listed Available Designers, please!]
Design Information: [Pretty much anything can be changed at this tier except the traits! Let us know what you'd like this B-NOMALY to look like!]
REPLY HERE with the following form to use a Mutagen item!
Mutagen Form:
Note that this is intended for people who can't easily edit the B-NOMALY/add the new trait on their own.Designer: [Ping one of the listed Available Designers, please!]
Mutagen Type: [You should have your items listed in the Lorekeeper - if you had them in your Token Tracker and they haven't been transferred, use Inventory Transfer! We just wanna make sure we're using the right one if you have multiple.]
Traits Changing: [Which traits are you swapping?]
Design Information: [If you have any design preferences for the new trait, list them here!]
Some further info on Makeovers and Trait Changes:
Partially a FAQ, partially things that are likely to come up, so they're here in advance to be useful!
-Where do I go if I did my redesign/trait change myself?
-MYO dropoff, below! It's not quite fitting title-wise but it just works. V:
-Can I buy a premade adoptable and immediately change a trait if I don't like it?
-Not really, that sort of defeats the point of a premade adoptable. If you own the adoptable for a few weeks to a month and find you really can't click with a trait, then sure. If you got a randomized hatchling or other similar thing and literally can't work with a certain trait, that's a scenario when you can change a trait immediately.
-Can my friend design my redesign/trait change?
-Yep! That also goes to the MYO section below.
-MYO dropoff, below! It's not quite fitting title-wise but it just works. V:
-Can I buy a premade adoptable and immediately change a trait if I don't like it?
-Not really, that sort of defeats the point of a premade adoptable. If you own the adoptable for a few weeks to a month and find you really can't click with a trait, then sure. If you got a randomized hatchling or other similar thing and literally can't work with a certain trait, that's a scenario when you can change a trait immediately.
-Can my friend design my redesign/trait change?
-Yep! That also goes to the MYO section below.
MYO Drop-Off!
Also can be used to drop off customs done by you or commissioned designers, makeovers and trait changes done by you or commissioned designers, and the like.REPLY HERE with the following form to drop off a MYO (or a design update that you drew/commissioned yourself)!
MYO Form:
AnarchismeLink to Image: [If possible, should be sta.shed with a list of traits used in the description]
MYO (or other) Type: [You should have your items listed in listed on the Lorekeeper - if you had them in your Token Tracker and they haven't been transferred, use Inventory Transfer! We just wanna make sure we're using the right one if you have multiple. If not a MYO drop-off, list if this is a custom, makeover, trait change, etc, and which item in your inventory it's using.]
Designer: [You, someone else?]
Yes, the part about pinging Anar is part of the form, it's to let eir know that someone is in the MYO queue so that ei can get to you faster.
B-NOMALY Breeding
Breeding has been moved off dA! Please see the Nsk Net breeding page!
Looking for more buns in your life?
Sign up here to use the labs' machines and tools to make sure everything goes safely!
If you're just here to drop off a breeding and get right to it, reply HERE with the following form!
Any relevant breeding permissions: [Links please, leave blank if all B-NOMs yours]
Breeding Ticket: [Let us know if it's Feeling Lucky or Turn On The Previews, and if this is a breeding between multiple people, who's supplying the ticket.]
Egg Distribution: All to you, split breeding, etc?
To give out permission to breed your B-NOMA
The Lab's Shop
We are very much a WIP and under construction! Feel free to give feedback on anything here!
Prices are subject to change at any time due to the WIP nature of the shop!
If you want to search (either via Ctrl+f or otherwise) for a specific type of thing to buy, here are some keywords and what they refer to:
-Mutagen: Trait Changes!
-Dye and Ink Job: Redesigns!
-MYO slot/Custom: Exactly what it says on the tin.
-Breeding: Use of the breeding function!
-Bunshifter: B-NOMs turning into things!
Copper tier:
20 coppers:-use of one of the following base(s):
Young Bun base is currently being updated to include all current B-
Token Calculation!
While the information below should still be mostly accurate, please don't comment here and instead use the above link!
A guide to the B-NOMALY art point system!
A token, unless specifically stated otherwise, refers to a copper token!
100 copper = 1 silver 100 silver = 1 gold 100 gold = 1 rosegold
Currently, you can comment here with any images needing to be cashed in and Anarchisme ( will count up your tokens for you!(This may change in the future if the group gets a lot more popular, but for now, I'm fine with it and it gives me something repetitive to do with my hands. I like it.)
News Archive
Old news from the main page of #B-NOMALY (
Getting back on track!
The Date Night B-NOMALIES have been rolled and assigned to winners, and the tokens from voting have been handed out as well! The next things I'm working on is the token shop and list of traits!
Token Shop: I'm mostly just adjusting token payouts and prices of things in the shop before letting this go live! The token shop will include things like trait changes/upgrades, MYO slots, customs, and tickets to breed your B-NOMALIES together! (The trait change might be extra helpful if some of you got traits you didn't want in the Date Night raffle, so I'll be trying
© 2019 - 2024 BNOMALY-labs
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Custom Form:
Designer: [Ping one of the listed Available Designers, please!]
Custom Type: [You should have your customs listed in your token tracker! We just wanna make sure we're using the right one if you have multiple.]
Preferred Traits: [A strict list of specific traits, a vague list of types of traits, a list of traits you like but you're fine with a couple more being added on, etc, are all ok!]
Design Information: [Any color scheme information, design themes, and the like go here!]
Designer: [Ping one of the listed Available Designers, please!]
Custom Type: [You should have your customs listed in your token tracker! We just wanna make sure we're using the right one if you have multiple.]
Preferred Traits: [A strict list of specific traits, a vague list of types of traits, a list of traits you like but you're fine with a couple more being added on, etc, are all ok!]
Design Information: [Any color scheme information, design themes, and the like go here!]