PMD ApplicationBlurBird on DeviantArt

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PMD Application



For the :iconpmd-explorers: group!

I really needed to get involved in a new Pokemon group since the last one I was active in became...inactive.

Anyway, meet Maxwell, Rin and Butter! Rescue team Skyless! Not afraid to go where no rescue team has gone before!

Treecko and Cubone are two of my top 3 fave Pokemon! :D
Numel? My favorite fire type.

EDIT (Jul 9th): Added Kroknokulars to accessories
EDIT (Aug 2nd): Added Messeger Bag and drew the new accessories on the characters.
EDIT (Sept 12th): Added new team member! (joined in Mission 3) Added items list to bottom of artist's comments, for my convenience.
EDIT (Oct 8th): Redid the images, all the other info is the same, I promise. Also added Bird Feathers accessory.

ITEMS: Evolution Scroll x2 (Event 2+3), Accessory Voucher (Mission 4)
Image size
1200x2600px 2.38 MB
© 2011 - 2025 BlurBird
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QueenDeino's avatar
Wow, I think this is the first female cubone I have seen in this guild XD It's fairly rare to see them anyways. Anyway. she's super cute. It's hard to make the little things so cute. My Albert just looks lengthy and awkward -n-