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Bluetwoen's avatar




My new character, Telys. =3
I worked on this for HOURS. GAHH it's hard to find the right colors.

Did this while chatting with the awesome :iconalfa-tiger:. xD So much fun, thankyou.

Telys (c) :iconbluetwoen:
Texture (c) CGtextures
Image size
2226x3864px 13.34 MB
© 2010 - 2024 Bluetwoen
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Grusart's avatar
:star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star-empty::star-empty::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Impact

My first impression is...
This is really good. The textures on the picture gives it a fantastic touch, and the colors you've chosen seem very harmonic. Though it's just a simple background, I think it'd do well with a slightly darker area to make the character stand out a bit more. (I might of course be wrong)

It is a really nice design. What I see is that the orange/brown line on its forehead isn't even in thickness on each side, which sort of disturbs the rest of the face.

Anatomy wise this is quite interesting. I assume it isa part of the design that there's an extra joint on the hind legs. That is pretty cool, but as in a lot of your other pictures, I find the hind legs really odd-looking, due to the knee's position and build-up. I am no master of this myself, but I suggest that you start doing studies of animals and their anatomy (It's in fact pretty fun - and you'll learn a lot from it, believe me!)

The next thing I'd like to point out, is the fluffy rows around jaw, neck and back. I love that idea, and it looks gorgeous, but:

Angle-wise, the creature's right side should be less shown. In this picture both left and right fluff shows evenly, which makes its right fluff seem longer than the left.
I took me the liberty of redlining your picture a bit to show what I think is more correct according to the angle.

Other that what's said, the eyes are not appearing to be the same size, as well as different kinds of tinystuff. I love that the eyes are bright blue, and as a suggestion I would've tried to repeat the color on the tail by giving it irises.

You've done a magnificent job on this, and I can see that you've worked hard on it. I am looking forward to see more pictures of this creature, and maybe get to see more of its design, as its back and belly is rather hidden.