BH6: Main CastBlueSky-Writer on DeviantArt

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BH6: Main Cast



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Ah finally got this put together.

Hello and welcome to my project for Big Hero 6: The Series, Hero Initiative. Which is a series re-write and redesign of sorts. I love what we got but I really thought it could've been more so I'm going to explore that. I'm still working on writing it and am having loads of fun expanding on what was given to us. I can't say when I'll release the work but in the mean time want to at least post art for it.

Starting with our main cast in their street clothes. I didn't want to change a ton of things since what they had was fine but least make a few tweaks to make them their own thing.

Of course the most obvious was developing a style. I'm 50/50 on the series canon style. Originally I was planning to go with the style but decided against it since my main issue with the canon style is how wooden it can be sometimes in movement and expressions. So instead, I decided to go hardcore anime and take pointers from the manga adaptation of the series. (Which if you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you do. Since writing wise, I am also taking pointers from it.) I'm very pleased with the looks I've come up with and am excited to draw more of the cast in this style.

Honesty all the outfits here are a blend of movie canon, show canon and my own personal touches. XD Only one that really stays the same is Baymax because... he's Baymax. Also, should be noted I wanted to be sure these outfits weren't carbon copies of my other project, Hospital Team 6. Want those two projects to be as distinct from each other as possible.

So... Yeah! Expect some more screencap redraws from me and some other character line ups in the future because I do have others to touch on. And of course, be on the look out for when the re-write drops.

Hope you enjoy!

❀ Related Links ❀

✚ Hospital Team 6 Gallery ✚

Big Hero 6 © Disney

Artwork © BlueSky-Writer/Aileen Rose

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© 2024 - 2025 BlueSky-Writer
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NRGComics's avatar

I like your designs and concepts much better!