
2 min read

Deviation Actions

BlueMistHusky16's avatar
Tagged by :iconlady-autobot17:
*You must post these rules.
*Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create ten new questions for the people you tag to answer.
*You have to choose ten people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
*Go to their pages and tell you have tagged him/her.
*No crap in tagging section "You're tagged if you're reading this." You legitimately have to tag.

1. Rainbows or unicorns?
Unicorns. :3

2. Favorite color?

3. I randomly make this face to you ;P  How do you respond?

4. Day or night?

5. Poet or writer?

6. You're in dA more than any other site: Yes/No?
No. D:

7. In over your head with art?
Eh, use to be. >>

8. Love drawing art for others?
Yes. :D

9. Books or TV?
That's a tough one. >>
Probably books.

10. Your questions will be way better than these? XD
Doubt it. xD

My questions
1. Favorite book?

2. Favorite Pokemon?

3. Dog or cat?

4. Summer or winter?

5. Chocolate or vanilla?

6. Halloween or Christmas?

7. Horror or Comedy?

8. Favorite TV show?

9. Harry Potter or Twilight?

10. English or Math?

I tag:
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