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The Making of Saracen the Goose Puppet



Finished piece featured here:…
Here is the step by step process that took place over a week at uni, to create Saracen.

1. Here are the wing plans, with individual feathers created in paper.

2. Each individual feather cut in MDF with the edges shaped to resemble aeroplane propellers.

3. The body shape, made from willow to make it light weight, but flexible. The willow was built around an MDF crossbar to give it support.

4.The feathers were created by vac forming styrene over the MDF templates, and then creating a spot welded frame for them to sit on. The feathers were then attached in layers so they would resemble real wings, yet still look like metal.

5. The head with flexible next attached. The head had a spot welded frame to house the beak mechanism. The beak itself is made from fibreglass, and is attached to a bike brake mechanism. This was all covered in black foam.

6. Almost finished covering the body in black foam, formed to look like ribbed metal sheets.

7. After an all over spray of plastic primer, the first layer of paint is put on top. A very bright and shiney bronzey gold!

8. Almost finished with painting, with added rust to make him look a bit more worn and torn!

9. Some little goosey feet, to add detail. Made from foam, and attached with super glue!

10. Facial details. The eyes were glass taxidermy goose eyes, purchased from a seller on ebay. They're the perfect bronzey colour! They add a hint of realism to him! I added some metal looking eyebrows to add a bit more character!

11. The final product!
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2400x2649px 3.5 MB
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XhedishX's avatar
That's really cool being able to read and look at your step by step. It looks like a lot of work but I bet the end result was worth it for you.