TheDandyDragon's avatar


In a hole in the ground...
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Oct 20
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (36)
My Bio

Favourite Movies
The Hobbit, LotR , PotC ,Robin Hood, Disney, Sherlock Holmes,MARVEL, The Lion King
Favourite TV Shows
Sherlock, Fringe, Lost
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Florence and the Machine,Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore, Fun., Tobymac
Favourite Books
THE HOBBIT!!! ♥ The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Sherlock Holmes, Bible
Favourite Writers
JRR Tolkien
Other Interests
Dragons, French Fries, going barefoot, Castles, swords, my bearded dragon and black cat
Jiminy Cricket, I haven't posted anything in ages! I don't know how I have survived this long with out using my tablet, I didn't think this possible. You know those days when you feel very motivated and inspired to write life altering hooblah? "It is not this day!!" That was yesterday. I am honestly feeling bad because I had such great plans to write some cool journal on my first day back and all I've done is this. I'll just shut up and get back to drawing now.
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. So I bought The Hobbit the freaking day it came out and, if you also have it, there's a code on the inside that you can enter to see the Live sneak peek of The Desolation of Smaug with Peter Jackson. I have been quivering with excitement since 9 oclock this morning......I missed it.... I freaking missed it  We're Pacific time and it was at 3 oclock eastern time I have all of these feels. So many freaking feels. Well, that is all I have to say for right now. I will go elsewhere and draw them away. *pout* •On a different note, just out of curiosity, who is your favorite dwarf out of the 13? I'd love to know. :)
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Not a cloud

0 min read
I don't know what it's like where you all live but it is absolutely stunning weather here in Oregon! This never happens!!! I don't know if you all know this, but it is only sunny here about 20 days of the year and rainy the rest. ....slight exaggeration, but still. It is beautiful. Therefore, I am in a marvelous mood and just thought I should say so. On another note! Did I ever metion that I went to Portland Comic Con a couple of weeks ago? Well, I did! I felt like such a geek joining the herds of people in capes and MARVEL tshirts getting in line to lay eyes on the Comic God himself. Stan Lee. I breathed the same air as Stan Lee, guys
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Profile Comments 97

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A life lived with width, breadth, and above all else, depth is the best kind of life, and you have lived another year of such a life.  Take pride in the undeniable achievement of a worthwhile voyage of discovery through time.  May glory and grandeur not be vicarious experiences, may you plumb the depths and find knowledge, beauty and treasure, may your dreams not elude you and may flashes of inspiration and insight linger to enrich your own days and dreams, and the lives of others.  A very happy birthday to you, and you will not be alone in celebrating the happy miracle of your existence.
I hope the whirlwind of existence leaves you laughing and astounded by the beauty and kindness around you, the adventures you've had, the good people you've met, and the loveliness you've encountered.  May inspiration guide you along paths softly lit by insight and creative excitement, with all your senses caressed and tantalized by fascinating hints and promises.  We rejoice at your presence in this and any other environment, we appreciate your priceless gifts of talent and time.  May you receive thanks, admiration, and precisely as much of fame as you desire.  May more beauty and wonder find you, and better, be created in the upcoming year!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
May your Muse laughingly cajole, convince, inspire, and take you on a beautiful and worthwhile drive to places and happy adventures you've never even imagined. May a justified belief that something wonderful is just around the corner brighten your life forever. May you not doubt your abilities, but labor successfully to expand them. May your dreams not prove nightmares, may you glimpse other strange worlds and let us share them with you--may those you love rejoice in you, and you in them, may joy and inspiration be faithful, friendly companions and helpers always. Happy Birthday!

I don't give up on people. :)
Happy Birthday !:) 
May a drive of noble dragons circle your head today, showering you with earned praise and wonderful, intricate presents... May your friends think of you and smile and laugh, may those you love think of you and feel better.  May the year's journey 'round the sun that begins today leave you wiser, happier, more learned and eager to take a running start at the next one, and may it all begin with these sincere wishes that you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!