wolfen-graphix on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/wolfen-graphix/art/high-tech-vectors-pack1-168111531wolfen-graphix
Current Residence: Milwaukie Oregon Favourite genre of music: Electronic or various styles - Psy D&B etc and many other types of music Favourite photographer: dont have one Favourite style of art: Almost any Operating System: Vista ultimate MP3 player of choice: Creative Shell of choice: Msstyles Wallpaper of choice: I have over 2000 its hard to choose Skin of choice: vespa32th Favourite cartoon character: Major Kusanagi Personal Quote: Just a second I am trying to figure out whats wrong with it.
hey how are you doing? it looks like your work has improved supremely since the last time I wandered on to your page. I was originally planning to be upset and rude to you but there's no point. Good work, and good luck