Evolution of Link's Shield WallpaperBLUEamnesiac on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/blueamnesiac/art/Evolution-of-Link-s-Shield-Wallpaper-276573367BLUEamnesiac

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BLUEamnesiac's avatar

Evolution of Link's Shield Wallpaper


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Update: 05/05/2014 It's way past due, but I finally updated the A Link Between Worlds Hylian Shield to reflect the finalized artwork.

Update: 06/14/2013 A Link to the Past gets another sequel, which means a new shield! Also, the wallpaper has been expanded to 3200x2000 in anticipation for further expansion. I'm looking at you Zelda Wii U*! ;)

Update: 06/05/2012 The shield from the recently shown Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest is now present. :) The previous version of this wallpaper can be found here sta.sh/0c30f18t0qm .

Update: They may have reduced the detail for the crest a little, but I consider the shield in Four Swords/Four Swords Adventure/The Minish Cap to be the same as Wind Waker's.
Also see: Evolution of Link's Mirror Shield Wallpaper

It was suggested that I make a wallpaper of the Zelda shields I've made, so here we are. Respect the rich history of the smashing board! www.dorkly.com/video/5854/dork…

Full resoltuion:
:bulletblack: LOZ Shield
:bulletblack: AOL Shield
:bulletblack: ALTTP Hylian Shield
:bulletblack: LA Shield
:bulletblack: OOT Hylian Shield
:bulletblack: MM Hero's Shield
:bulletblack: WW Hero's Shield
:bulletblack: TP Hylian Shield
:bulletblack: PH Wooden Shield
:bulletblack: ST Shield
:bulletblack: SS Hylian Shield
:bulletblack: LOZ Battle Quest Shield
:bulletblack: ALBW Hylian Shield

The Legend of Zelda © Nintendo
Image size
3200x2000px 8.28 MB
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GuerreraD's avatar

This is very cool and the quality remains awesome... but it somehow feels a bit lacking compared to the large artwork about the swords, since they are all together and here there are many shields missing.

This is just a well-intended suggestion, but it would be nice if you could put all the Zelda shields together in a single picture like you did with the blades, for better appreciation and easier comparison :nod: .