Suburban SoldierBlue-Paper on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

September 11, 2009
Suburban Soldier by =Blue-Paper "=Blue-Paper did an absolutely incredible job on this picture, the fact that he did it with watercolors is insane. The expression fits the picture extremely well, it gives the impression that he's a soldier that just came home and he was trying to remember which house is his. With that theme comes the implication of the rigorous hardships of what he just left, along with the joy of being back with his loved ones at home. I just can't imagine how breathtaking the picture would look in person."
Featured by Quelfabulous
Suggested by popstck
Blue-Paper's avatar

Suburban Soldier



I have no idea how, but I somehow came up with the idea for this while listening to Broken Social Scene :/

I'm quite fond of how this came out.

Done with watercolors and micron pen.

Completely forgot to put this here yesterday, but thank you :iconthe-other-nnbtk: and :iconkatmomma: for the DD ^_^
Image size
498x685px 153.84 KB
Canon PowerShot S70
Shutter Speed
1/10 second
Focal Length
17 mm
Date Taken
Aug 24, 2009, 7:32:41 PM
© 2009 - 2025 Blue-Paper
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BanesShadow's avatar
Awesome work :nod: there is something very attracting about this image!