Bloody-Uragiri on DeviantArt

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Bloody-Uragiri's avatar

Underswap Sans Icon



Since UNDERSWAP hit 2000 I thought the Sans and Papyrus UNDERSWAP icons should get a 2.0 treatment.
Maybe one day the Sansational Sans shall finally catch a human! If you are caught he'll be sure to be a great host, IN FACT THE GREATEST HOST! But uh...don't eat the food....It's still a loooooooong way from being edible. lmao.

Reference used by CaptainKees. (I want to give credit but I don't want to constantly fill their inbox with notifications. Please do check out their stuff though! They're an amazing artist!)
(If used give credit)
Image size
50x50px 11.62 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Bloody-Uragiri
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how can i use this i am using a phone but there is no storage