The Tale of an Accidental Time Traveller CH 1 by BloodLily16, literature
The Tale of an Accidental Time Traveller CH 1
Chapter One "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" I paused Skyrim and shoved the chair away from the desk with my feet, holding my hands in the air in a victory pose. "WHOOOO!!!!" I jumped onto my bed and started dancing. "Yeah Sofie, you're awesome, killing Harkon, next is Edward!" I struck a pose and pointed at my younger sister, Chelsea, who was texting away on her side of the room. "HEAR THAT SIS, YOUR BOYFRIEND'S DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!!"
"I'm sorry Sofie," she sighed, not even sparing a glance at her victorious older sister, "but I'm not the one who dates fictional characters in this household."
"Then explain this," I san...
Tagged by :iconcoolsonicrules: Rules! 1. Choose one of your OCs. 2. The answers must be written in your OC's point of view. 3. Your OC can't lie. 4. The title of the journal must be 'OC Interv iew.' 5. Tag as many people as you want. 6. Have fun!
(Also, I'm going to add in some convo between me and my character, but this is optional and just something fun for me to do because why not? The responses to Jade will be italic.) 1. What is your real name and nickname?
Jade Ning Li. But I go by Jade because I have a normal person name (unlike Sonic. He's a weirdo and I don't get why he'd choose a noun for his nickname.) But you're named...