Heroine Clemblkmary on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blkmary/art/Heroine-Clem-910901315blkmary

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Heroine Clem



Strange destiny for Clementine. The one who was almost removed from the game for fear that players would not get attached to her will end up being the main protagonist.
In 2012 the video game The Walking Dead was released, inspired by the eponymous comic book. The protagonist is Lee Everett, an African-American character who takes in an eight-year-old girl during a zombie apocalypse. From an early age, Clementine has shown smartness and courage. When they first meet, while she's hiding in her tree house, she communicates with Lee by walkie-talkie and her first words are: "you need to be quiet" proving that in a few hours she had understood how to survive.
During the four games, we follow her evolution (she is the playable character in two of them) until she is 16 years old, when she has, in turn, the responsibility of a child (A.J), her adventures continue then in comics.
Clementine remains to this day one of the rare young black women to be the main character of a video game series (actually, I searched, I couldn't find any other).

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