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blix-it's avatar




paper: Arches 140lb Cold Press
paint: Daniel Smith watercolors
And some prisma colored pencils.

>3< I love rattata more than most people seem to love rattata.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

It's that I had a pet rat when I began playing pokemon. Her coloring was white and blond with brown eyes. <3 So she looked just like raticate. I always had a raticate in my team and I'd name it after her. <3 My rat's name was Lyra. (I read the Golden Compass before it was a movie and liked the name.)

But what no one seems to know about raticate is that it's secretly a bad ass. oAo Its speed + attack makes it threatening. There were times when my friends would tell me my raticate would totally faint. oAo And then it did totally not, and I always taught it hyper beam.... so. Doom.

/////////////////// nerd rage.


More pokemon:

Some watercolor tuts:
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