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blix-it's avatar

Ghost Water



I love it when koi ponds are really dark and black and there are leaves floating on the surface. And then a little orange speckled face drifts out of the leaf shadow. c:

(I also love it when koi are not very graceful. There was a pond I was staring at in a mall once that was surrounded by some kind of leafy decoration plant. The plants that grew too close to the water were getting obnoxiously eaten and tattered.) 

Thanks for looking! If you're interested in prints please see my etsy shop! 8D

Daniel Smith watercolor
Arches 140lb cold press
Fish was done separately in ink on cold press and then inverted and overlaid in photoshop.
Image size
500x1500px 361.11 KB
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nekophoenix's avatar
Oh wow, how absolutely gorgeous! What beautiful colour gradient you have here and such a lovely composition!