BlindCoyote on DeviantArt

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BlindCoyote's avatar

Untold Potential



We all have potential, All we need is the right "spark" to push us in the right direction.

New print for 2015
Image size
828x1280px 1.13 MB
© 2015 - 2024 BlindCoyote
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Wisdom-Thumbs's avatar

This is gorgeously rendered. The composition is spot on. And the strong contrast in the lighting accentuates the paths for our eyes to follow. The anatomy is also excellent. I love how you've integrated fluff into Twilight's ears, and a hint of fetlocks, without changing the outlines from the show. It's one step up from the movie designs. And you clearly put extra polish on her eye, which must have been challenging.

I love this so much. And I have a question:

Would you mind if I used it as the cover art for a story I'm writing on FIMfiction? I'd credit you and leave a link in the description. And if you wish to check before lending your art, I can send the title (plus the short description) in a Note.