Team okay charity stream!

2 min read

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BlindCatComics's avatar
ok then...
I have to move.
and i need help..

My name is kristy, aka mareinthemoon.
and its very difficult for me to get a job, due to a work injury i sustained years ago working at target..finding a job i can do is difficult.
thankfully due to some grace of god or what have you i actually have a job lined up for me in wenatchee washington. wenatchee however is 100+ miles away from my current location.

so the move begins.

myself and my room mates are trying to get the funds to move, due to real life issues such as a roommate of ours bailing and not paying any rent at all in the last 4 months weve had to pick up the slack in every single thing...leading to the issue of being unable to save up for the move.

team okay heard about my situation, and extended thier hands to help a fellow artist and friend. i love them very much .
what we will be doing is taking live commissions in a 24 hr stream, i also will have a plush toy for everyone  to love ;3 shes nearly ready for her big reveal! any donators who contribute 30$  will enter a raffle  for her!…

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