Hallo Gentle Creatures.
Current Residence: Lincoln, NE, USA
Favourite genre of music: swirlie
Favourite style of art: creepy cute and wicked sharp
Operating System: linux
MP3 player of choice: iCephalopod
Shell of choice: mother of pearl
Wallpaper of choice: red and white stripies
Skin of choice: lizard
Favourite cartoon character: an ampersand followed by an at and a bang
Personal Quote: OW! g-d damn f**k! stupid needle! OW! *bleeds*
Favourite Visual Artist
dave mckean, charles vess, brian and wendy froud, yoshitaka amano
Favourite Movies
pan's labyrinth, hellboy 2, where the wild things are, red string and blood tea
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
16 horsepower, cold fairyland, niyaz, fleet foxes, gackt, steeleye span
Favourite Writers
charles delint
Favourite Gaming Platform
card table
Tools of the Trade
dental tools, leather, waxed twine, sculpy, bone, wire cutters, longnose pliers
Other Interests
evil feline overlords, exploding god, foetus jerky, glass, green tea dragon fly, hexidecimals