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Hooolycrap deadlines sneaked up on me. I would have gotten this more finished, but I neglected to realize that I would be rocking hardcore awesomeness at my friend's b-day celebration events. And quite frankly between the two, I chose her.

I may however, upload a coloured version tomorrow. There was supposed to be a background, but- haha. Nope. Huge Speech Bubbles are meant to cover up my laziness, but I think they only draw attention to it. XD

I like this because it works on two levels. One being that way that winter has of just showing up all of a sudden, Two being that Pietro's the sort of person who would grab snow from a freezer somewhere to dump on his sister. Just because. Either way, I smile. u.u

For ~TheBrotherhoodclub's Winter Wonderland Contest, not that it stands a chance against the other awesome entries so far. Hella last minute. Everyone does it for my contests, so I can do it tooooooooo..... >_>

Now 10% less lame with half-assed colour! *thumbsup*
Image size
763x1000px 371.59 KB
© 2008 - 2024 BlazeRocket
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dancingsnowangels's avatar
This is pretty funny, I wonder why the snow fell on her that fast.