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No offense, but I find it funny that fans are praising G4's show at the end - as if there were nothing wrong with it - and they're like: "Yay! Thank you for this wonderful show! You made me cry!" Seriously, those who say that isn't actually true. In reality, it had flaws here and there, which could've been better.
The crux of the problem with Spike - and episodes featuring him - is that you must drag everyone else down if you want him to shine at all. In Times They Were a Changeling, for example, he was the only one who knew that befriending the changeling was the right thing to do while everyone else was just like: "Nah! That changeling must die!" His "character development" was a mistake, which merely damaged the show's writing and everything. So, in the end, you have two options: You can have Spike being nothing but a background character — a butt-monkey - just like he were from the beginning - or have him removed. I'm no Spike-hater, but it's just to ensure that he's not causing any more derailments.
This may or may not be true, but I'm convinced that Spike's being used as a self-insertion, which is what the whole Spike-fandom is about. No wonder why the Spike-fans were objecting to Spike Abuse. The reason why they've complained about Spike being abused is because they didn't want to see themselves be abused.
It's a total disappointment that humans - particularly Megan, Danny, and Molly - and mythological human-like species didn't return in the later incarnations of My Little Pony after G1... It's understandable that it's due to people's - particularly Lauren Faust - own personal tastes, though, but still. And after Lauren Faust left, the writers could’ve added them later on, but they chose not to for her sake. Either way, none of the humans - particularly Megan, Danny, and Molly - and mythological human-like species returning in G4 - and the later incarnations of My Little Pony - was a total disappointement... And, of course, it's always preferable that they returned right away in their debuts. Megan, Danny, and Molly would've been perfect protagonists alongside the Mane Six in G4.
Speaking of mythological human-like species, Tirek didn’t resemble a centaur at all. He doesn't have a human face. Seriously, why did they remove the human parts on every mythological human-like species and replace them with non-human parts? Not only is this idea weird, but it’s also silly and pointless. This makes it clear that the reason why humans - particularly Megan, Danny, and Molly - and mythological human-like species with their human parts untouched not returning in G4 and the later incarnations of My Little Pony after G1 was just because of their appearences...
Frankly, I'm convinced that some of the fans themselves are actually responsible for plaguing the franchise and its fandom with their "anti-human" stuff. Humans - particularly Megan, Danny, and Molly - and mythological human-like species not returning in G4 and the later incarnations of My Little Pony after G1 was the biggest mistake ever made. And let's we all make sure that they'll return in G6 and the later incarnations of My Little Pony after it!
Anyway, humans - particularly Megan, Danny, and Molly - and mythological human-like species with their human parts untouched not returning in G4 and the later incarnations of My Little Pony after G1 was the biggest mistake ever made, as I said. And, once again, let's we all make sure that they'll return in G6 and the later incarnations of My Little Pony after it!
Speaking of Danny, he has proved himself as the most competent character of My Little Pony. He has authority, he is a leader, he is resourceful, he is stalwart, and everything. He always knows what it will take to keep the ponies safe from all kinds of dangers and foes, too. He would even undoubtedly defeat Tirek, Cozy Glow Chrysalis, and every other villain. Furthermore, he and the ponies had a lot in common together since the beginning of the franchise, and they would’ve had the same in the later incarnations, as well.
Furthermore, Danny is the one who created the Magic of Friendship since he's the original Brony, a suave mare magnet — the one who gets all the mares. He's the one who's making the Magic of Friendship grow, especially due to the bond between him and the ponies. He had the Magic of Friendship within him the whole time. The Magic of Friendship comes from him — he's the source of it. I even stumbled upon this post on Reddit, which shows that he and Twilight have a lot in common, which is why they'd be the perfect duo. Twilight's the Princess of Friendship while Danny's the King of Friendship.
Since Danny is the one who created the Magic of Friendship for being the original Brony, he gets to stop Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis in the end after he defeats his double, a spitting image of himself as the primary villain - the evil version of himself, just like Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker - by unleashing the Magic of Friendship on him.
So, Danny is undoubtedly the dominant character of My Little Pony, which is why he is meant to be the king - the supreme leader - in every incarnation of the franchise. In G4, he becomes the king - the supreme leader - of the entire world beyond Equestria later on, as well. He's the boss, and he has always been since the beginning of the franchise. And that post on Reddit shows - once again - that he and Twilight have a lot in common. Twilight's the Princess of Friendship while Danny's the King of Friendship.
I have many concepts in mind for Danny, and one of them is making him a music artist, like Countess Coloratura, Sapphire Shores, and Songbird Serenade. He's quite like a K-Pop artist, in my opinion.
I would've even made video games where you play as Danny and the ponies. And here's a screenshot I took of an old project of mine, made with the Source Engine. Soon, I'll be using Unreal Engine, Unity, and other engines to create video games where you play as him and the ponies, as well.
Furthermore, I'd give Megan, Danny, and Molly the capability to use magic - such as teleporting, levitating, firing beams, and so on - just like unicorns/alicorns. They'd also be able to fly, just like pegasi/alicorns, too. The color of Megan's magic would be turquoise, Danny's would be red, and Molly's would be pink.
Danny was also a father/big brother figure to Spike, by the way. And it would've sweet to have such scenes of them in G4, wouldn't it?
My Little Pony had flaws here and there - particularly G4 - such as bad writing, which I would've done better... The main reason why the other incarnations of My Little Pony was a failure is due to the lack of humans - particularly Megan, Danny, and Molly - and mythological human-like species with their human parts untouched. So, I'm doing what Lauren Faust and the rest of them failed to do. I'm working on my own concepts and everything for My Little Pony — the true version of the franchise, the addition of humans and mythological human-like species with their human parts untouched, especially Danny. One concept I have in mind for centaurs, for example, is that there'll be two other types of them with unicorn horns and pegasus wings, and they'll have the same lower bodies as the ponies. I'd do the same with ipotanes, too.