Blaze0ne on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Blaze0ne's avatar




Finally finished, used Photoshop CS2 and Painter X. First time using Painter I hope I did OK.

--- I'm sorry for the reduction in image quality but I've finally had it with this image being stolen and found on various links over the internet, I was probably the fool for putting up such a high res image but you live and you learn, thanx for all my fellow deviant artists who informed me of this violation, if any one sees this image for sale on any site, know that it has been stolen without my consent and any information they can give me would be helpful in shutting them down. You can contact me at
Image size
2400x1800px 1.9 MB
© 2007 - 2024 Blaze0ne
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gordhanx's avatar
I'm currently watching, the first season. I'm really enjoying it. Great tribute, to all the characters in here.