A Quiet Moment on EndorBlazbaros on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/blazbaros/art/A-Quiet-Moment-on-Endor-653755276Blazbaros

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Blazbaros's avatar

A Quiet Moment on Endor



Its hard to put into words about how I feel about today.  When I was kid first watching Star Wars, Carrie Fisher taught me that princesses can be awesome too.

I cheated a bit on the background since I took so long trying to figure out the pose, its a blurred image of this: www.wzchutian.com/wp-content/u….  Regardless, I'm happy I was about to try out some brushes I never used before for the moss and the ferns, I'll have to use them again in the future.
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900x900px 770.11 KB
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Piolobuno's avatar

Very cool, I love it 😻😻😻.