Deviation Actions
Name: Wanda Alice Bryant
Codename: Rockweed
Other Aliases: Kelpy, Tiny
Affiliation: Seafarers
Occupation: Deckhand
Alignment: Good (Anti-Heroic)
Species: Human (Paradigm)
Age: 19
Hair: Green (Originally Black)
Eye Color: Green
Birthplace: Atlas
Toolkit: Seaweed Physiology (Aquatic Adaptation, Contaminant Immunity, Oxygen Independence, Self-Sustenance, Regeneration) Alga Manipulation, Aquatic Plant Manipulation, Enhanced Durability / Strength / Endurance
You could serve on the Silent Sunrise for months, and chances are you will NEVER see this Seafarer. She’s the first to leave the dining hall when the crew feasts together. She hides her face and blushes when people ask her questions. She spends most of her time locked up in her cabin, refusing to come out unless the captain asks her to. And social gatherings… a social gathering is what hell is to her; she’ll stand in a corner, hidden among the shadows and the clumps of seaweed dangling down the wall, slowly making her way out of the common room and back to the safety of her cabin. In short, deckhand Wanda Bryant is a painfully shy young woman with a crippling fear of socialization, and her inability to bond with anyone she doesn’t consider within her social circle inevitably leads to moments where even she cringes at her own awkwardness.
In the cutthroat, uncaring realm of the pirate, one would think it’d be this that puts her in an early grave. And yet, the other Seafarers are starting to come around to her; perhaps it’s some protective instinct to keep this small, cute girl safe from harm, or maybe it’s the fact the more she comes out of her shell, the clearer it is she has the kindest and gentlest heart on the ship; nobody in Jolly Roger’s crew can deny the value of compassion, not even the roughest of them. They may bicker about nearly everything, but if there’s one thing the Seafarers agree on, there truly is potential in Rockweed, and she’s on her way to finding the path she’s meant for. Compassion might be something the pirate’s realm is in desperate need of, no matter how far-fetched it sounds.
Wanda Bryant/Rockweed is a fusion of human and aquatic plant whose body has adapted the various characteristics and abilities of seaweed, algae, and more; she is completely unaffected by contaminants of any sort and can survive for unlimited periods of time without access to oxygen, hence allowing her to remain underwater indefinitely if she so wishes. As a result of her blood converting to chlorophyll, she is thus capable of gaining nutrients by exposure to sunlight; thus, she no longer needs to eat or drink in the same manner her crewmates do.
Rockweed can manipulate and grow various marine plants however she wishes, limited only by her own imagination. Ensnaring pirates with seaweed or blocking large swathes of water with thick algae are common practices for her, but when in areas with a particularly large amount of sea plants, she becomes an outright force of nature, using thick, unbreakable chains of kelp to tear apart enemy vessels and trapping sea monsters with ease.
Done in HeroMachine 3. Dream voice cast for Rockweed is Alexis Tipton.
CLICK HERE <-- (Previous Seafarer: Silas Steinberg/Maelstrom) (Next Seafarer: Arthur Stokes: Man-O-War) --> CLICK HERE
Cute green seaweed gal. :3
I like her. :3