Moro photo shootBlasitoHtf on DeviantArt

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Moro photo shoot



Finnick: I don't like this. . .How long can I stand here! Finnick - Icon 
Nick Wilde: Don't be agitated little toot-toot,this won't take long. . .a little click,puff! and we have a photo. Nick and Finnick - Icon 
Finnick: Hmm. . .! finnick zootopia 
Nick Wilde: Relax and enjoy the south sea breeze. . . Officer Nick Wilde - Icon 


Well. . .Made another Zootopia fan related art again,here shows Finnick and Nick dressed for a Picture taking both in Zoolu island.
(zootopian version of Sulu island in Mindanao)  it looks nice to put a stamp on it and send it off to Judy Hopps,in Zootropolis.

Never the less,I'm finished making it. . .(need to  make more zootopia drawings again!)

Nick Wilde, Finnick  © "Zootopia" (2016) By: Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Clark Spencer, Jared Bush, Phil Johnston (Walt Disney Studios, Pictures & Animation Studio. 

Back ground "Its more fun in the Philippines" themed design(2014) Tony Harris.

Purple Flag(background) based off the flag of the "Sultane of Sulu" insignia.

Traditional Clothes based on the tribal minority of the Tausug's of Mindanao. Nick Wilde - Icon 
Image size
4435x6494px 9.95 MB
© 2016 - 2025 BlasitoHtf
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wolfjedisamuel's avatar
Sultanate Finnick will lead a successful rebellion against the Spaniards!