Windows 7 Black WallpaperBlaneGR on DeviantArt

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BlaneGR's avatar

Windows 7 Black Wallpaper



Hey guys!

Beware, this is my first deviation here, so forgive me for any inconvenience.You can just comment and I'll try to see what I can do.I don't speak about the picture or the wallpaper cause this won't change with comments :P

As far as the description, as you may already understood, this is a wallpaper which matching great with Windows 7 (the new OS from MS).If you download it extract it and then open it.Right click on the image and "Set as Desktop Background".You're done.The wallpaper comes to the following dimensions:

- 800 x 600 (most common)
- 1024 x 768
- 1280 x 720
- 1280 x 768 (my own resolution :))

Comments and favs are appreciated really :)
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Mace-GFX's avatar
well it is kinda nice but i dont like black colors for desktop....btw if you could make a color war as for win7 but not to brigh...