BLEACH: +Hellfire+ collaborationblackstorm on DeviantArt

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blackstorm's avatar

BLEACH: +Hellfire+ collaboration



Was looking through my stuff recently and this old unfinished 2018 collaboration between Shapooda and I was packing dust in our comps and I thought I'd post it (with her permission). We had a lot of fun with it though, and I still love it a lot. She's one of the sweetest person and amazing artist I've met, it's an honour to have one of my works coloured by her magical hands. Thank you so much, Shap~ >w< ♡ ♡…

Art by blackstorm [ME]
Colour by Shapooda 
Characters @ Kubo Tite | BLEACH
Image size
1024x741px 812.69 KB
© 2020 - 2025 blackstorm
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Tiacchi's avatar

AHHH! I truly love this!! Both you and @Shapooda are very talented and lovely artists!! I'm happy to say I follow you both!! <3 <3 . Hope you guys do more collabs in the future :D