
The Unknown Warrior: A Wolfs Journey: Chapter 22

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BlackStarWolf100's avatar

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The Unknown Warrior: A Wolfs Journey

Chapter 22

Dremor and his bandits continued their journey to the Greenlands. They were only at sea for two days, but most of the crew began to feel sea sick. Dremor was standing on the stern of the ship, then turned his head to hear moaning coming from behind him. He looked to see a dark-gray male snake, locked in a stockade. Before setting sail, Dremor and Venper took several animals prisoner. Dremor took the snake and locked his hands, feet and head in a solid wood stockade. The wood of the stockade was thick and strong.

Venper took several prisoners above deck. He had them shackled, bound with chains and placed them in barrels, which were then filled-in with sand. The barrels were then tied to the main mast of the ship. Venper made a wicked smile as he watched the animals in the barrels turn their heads, desperately trying to get free.

Venper walked down from the stern and walked over to a barrel, that held a young light-green male dragon. Venper recalled that the bandits had captured a dragon, who was fourteen years of age. Venper made a face as the dragon looked him with worry. “Sir… please,… please just let me go.” The light-green dragon said, then tried pulling himself out of the sand. Venper then had two bandits walk over to him.

Venper: “Take him to the stockade!” He ordered the bandits.

Venper watched as the bandits knocked over the barrel and picked up the dragon. He followed them to the stern, only to be stopped by Dremor.

Dremor: “You pity that dragon, I could tell by the look on your face.” He said, then looked to see the bandits place the dragon in the stockade.

Venper: “Seeing him in the barrel, made me recall my damn past.” He said, then went to the railing.

Dremor: “How so?” He asked, then Venper recalled his life, while explaining his story to Dremor.

Venper: “My family and I lived in a region of the Greenlands that was covered in sand.” He said. “My life back then wasn’t easy.” He said.

Dremor: “There was someone you hated, wasn’t there?” He asked, then Venper nodded.

Venper: “My father was a cruel snake, beyond reconciliation.” He explained. “When I was young, he would punish me by putting me in a barrel and filling it with sand.” He said, while looking at the animals tied to the mast, then to the sky. “I kept begging him to let me go, but he had me locked in the barn so I couldn’t escape.” He explained.

Dremor: “And your mother allowed this to happen?” He asked.

Venper: “She abandoned me, and left me with that monster.” He said in an angry tone. “As I got older, he would take me out and bury me in the sand itself.”  He said, recalling his past. “One day I saw him digging a hole and found some supplies in the barn. I was sixteen at the time, but I realized then, he was going to bury me and leave me there to die.” He said, while looking at Dremor.

Dremor: “But that never happened I take it?” He asked with a serious smile, then Venper made a wicked smile.

Venper: “I took a shovel, walked up behind him and whacked my father in the head.” He explained. “I buried him in the hole, just like he did to me. I watched as he squirmed and tried to free himself, and liked it. I took the supplies that left that hell hole.” He said said. “I went back to desert from time to time. I kidnapped citizens and buried them. I always went to where I buried my father and found his head, slowly decaying.” He said. “Eventually, I was pursued by one of the kingdoms and fled south, where I ended up in that continent.” He explained.

Dremor: “And that’s when I found you burying two animals and found your skills to be useful.” He said.

Venper: “Gag the prisoners!” He said to a wolf bandit.

Venper watched as the animals in the barrels were gagged, same as the snake and dragon in the stockade. Venper then went below deck and into the brig and had the bandits take out a gryphon prisoner and placed him in the barrel. Venper then gagged the gryphon and went into the captains quarters.

Razok and the others continued marching south, while many others took ships from Wealthrun and traveled along the coast. Razok and the others road hard and fast o their horses. They arrived where the land met sea, after three days of traveling. Razok looked around to see the landscape.

Razok: “I knew that the bandits took me through here when I arrived in the Greenlands, but this is the first time that I’m seeing it.” He said, while Torrhen stood next to him. “In truth, they put a hood over my head. So I’m not sure if this is the spot.” He said.

Torrhen: “We’d better go with the others to help set up camp.” He said.

Razok and Torrhen followed the army into the woods. They set up camp and waited for their ships to arrive. The plan was to wait in the trees for the bandits to come ashore, then launch the assault. Corvus and Aemon volunteered to go with the scouts, to look for Dremors ships. Later that night, Razok was looking out to the sea, then walked over to Fangars tent.

Razok: “Can I ask you something?” He asked Fangar.

Fangar: “What’s on your mind?” He asked Razok.

Razok: “Did my mother ever say anything about my father?” He asked, then Fangar made a blank look.

Fangar: “No, I’m afraid she didn’t. But if she had, I would’ve sent you to him.” He said, then made a huff. “I been thinking about the night when I wiped your memory. I knew I should’ve gone back to search for you.” He said.

Razok: “You thought I was dead.” He said.

Fangar: “True, once someone is buried in the sand, it’s impossible to escape from. But how did you get out?” He asked, wondering how Razok got himself unburied in the Desert Continent.

Razok: “It was near sunset and I saw a horse running in my direction.” He said. “The horse had rope on it, I grabbed it with my teeth and the horse pulled me out.” He said, as Fangar made a questionable look.

Fangar: “What did the horse look like?” He asked about the horse.

Razok: “We’ll it was a beige horse. It had black spots and a black mane….” He said, recalling when the horse saved him. “…Oh crap, that was my horse!” He let out. “I remember now, your brother gave that to me on my twelfth birthday. I think the bandits took him, the ones that found me in the desert.” He said.

Fangar: “Come with me!” He said then they walked out of the tent.

Razok followed Fangar to where the guards kept the horses. Fangar asked the guards about any horses that were recovered from bandits from half a year ago. They heard a loud neigh and a horse came galloping over to the wooden fence. The horse made a happy neigh and smiled as it stood on its back hooves and staring at Razok. Razok looked to see it was a beige horse with black spots and mane, and widened his eyes.

Razok: “Hey boy!” He said with excitement, recognizing his horse. The guard then unlocked the gate and the horse approached Razok. “I missed you!” He said, while holding the horse by the head.

The following morning, Razok got on the back of his horse and took him for a ride. The guard explained that the bandits who had the horse, were arrested for trying to sell stolen goods. Razok felt a rush come over him as he road his horse. As the sun began to set, the guards looked to see the scouts flying in their direction. The scouts landed and reported to the kings.

Corvus: “They caught a fast wind, they’ll be here by tomorrow!” He said, then Avos stood up.

Avos: “Tell the men to get their rest! At dawn,.. we go to war!” He announced.

Everyone then left the tent and began sharpening their weapons and readying their armor. Later in the night, Razok, Torrhen, Creek and Otar were sitting around a campfire. As they looked at the fire, they heard footsteps and saw an Icefall knight in full armor with a cape approach them. “Mind if I join you?” The knight asked in male voice, then removed his hood. Razok recognized him as Atheno.

Razok: “Glad to see you with us!” He said as Atheno sat down.

Atheno: “King Arno wanted me here, as a loyal knight, and as his son-in-law.” He said and the others looked at him.

Razok: “So you and Luna are married then?” He asked, then Atheno nodded.

Atheno: “We got married a couple of weeks after you rescued me.” He said to Razok. “Now, she’s pregnant with my baby.” He said.

Razok: “Congrats my friend!” He said, then Torrhen and Otar padded Atheno on his shoulders. “So any thoughts on names?” He asked.

Atheno: “Luna wants to name the baby after me.” He said. “She also wanted me to share this with you!” He said, while holding up a bottle of wine.

Otar: “Might as well, we might be dead tomorrow anyway.” He said.

Atheno then uncorked the bottle and took a sip, then passed it around. Creek felt a weird taste in his mouth, even though he drank wine while in Wealthrun, he still wasn’t use to the taste. After everyone took a sip of the wine, Razok looked them.

Razok: “I made Fangar promise me that you all would come out of this alive.” He said, then they looked at him. “When he and I went to the Desert Continent all those months ago to try and stop Dremor, all those animals that went with us, died.” He said. “I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow… But one things for certain, we have to stop Dremor.” He said.

Razok then took out his sword from it hilt and held it out over the fire. Torrhen and Atheno took out their swords, Creek held out his spear and Otar held his staff. They all placed their weapons over Razoks sword. Razok then looked at his friends, who had looks of confidence and worry.

Razok: “Tomorrow… we take them down!” He said, then they raised their weapons in the air.
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loneXwolf97's avatar
... We finally get to see Razok's memories affect him, something I've wanted for a great long while now... and the best example we have of this is him remembering his horse...  I don't know how to feel about that.  I don't know how to feel about the fact that Razok seems to depend greatly on his friends even though he was basically carrying them throughout the story.  Almost makes it seem like he could have achieved everything even if he was alone, aside from him being buried alive in that coffin (loved that scene).  Venper...  we got a backstory, which of course was tragic, so that means he's important.  That's the pattern you've set up.  Dremor is made less intimidating in his comfort for this character, especially when he's been set up as this great evil.  Despite knowing that it wouldn't happen, I was hoping Dremor would kill him.  Instead, we have the setup for a betrayal towards Dremor, who will obviously lose this fight.  Nothing wrong with him losing, that was unfair.  Venper however... I don't know we'll see where that goes.  That's all I really have to say about this chapter:  "We'll see where this goes."