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A Fistful of Owl part 1



Before the day when Luz entered Hexside School of Magic and Demonics for the first time, Willow (who was forced to be in the abomination track at the time) decides to secretly teach some plant magic to some students, who were curious about how to grow a carnivorous plant of your own. Attending her secret class is Edric Blight, Viney, Jerbo and surprisingly Amity (who at the time had to act like she's distancing herself from Willow as a close friend and think more about being a top student because, well, let's say as a request from a family member, hence her classic green hair look). Although Jerbo is already in the plant track, he was about to showcase a few secrets he had. Perhaps Viney needs to grow some plants to feed her pet griffin, Puddles. Why is Edric here? Find out in the next part.

This is an Owl House reenactment of the Ed, Edd n Eddy episode "A Fistful of Ed" with Edric Blight, Willow Park, Viney, Puddles, Jerbo and Amity Blight, playing the roles of Ed, Double D, Jonny 2x4, Plank, Jimmy and Sarah. Additionally, the plants play the role of the eggs from the Happy Cluckers Club.

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Willumity's avatar

Excuse me, did you said distant herself from Willow as close friend and thought more about her ego as a top student, hence her classic green hair look? No she's not. Understanding Willow explains she only pretended to ditch Willow and pretended to be mean to her because Odalia blackmailed her during 8th birthday party by threatening to get Willow barred in Hexside. Besides, Amity never really cared about being top student, Odalia pressured her into getting on the top. Amity had green hair only because Odalia wants her to match with her siblings.