Kidnemo, Maxi goes Anime, FAS Art Jam (pic spam)

12 min read

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BlackMageAlodia's avatar
Team-Up with Kidnemo

Maxicollector goes Anime!

FAS ART JAM</strong>

Condition: OK

Art Gifts Part IV</strong>

+ Art Gifts Part I + Art Gifts Part II + Art Gifts Part III +   Art Gifts Part IV +

The Club I don't deserve ^.^m</strong>

Moderated by patriciameister
Thank you, guys, for your support! ^_^

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Darktaru's avatar
If you are trying to diet dont cut down on protein, proteins are the best thing to diet, build muscle and lose fat, they also speed up metabolism since they are much harder to break down than sugars. If you are trying to get in better shape the only way is to exercise because no matter what diet you do, your body will eventually get used to it as a means to survive just like it heals itself when u get sick and heals your cuts when u bleed, it will also detroy your muscle tissues to replace the need of nutriets making you have less energy and feel tired.