blacklashjo's avatar


Red is beautiful
144 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (280)
My Bio
Molecular acid runs through these veins.

Tweet, blacklashjo
Instagram. bloodyredpancakes
Tumblr! bloodyredpancakes

Favourite Visual Artist
Sir H.R Giger. Brian Froud. Leonardo Da Vinci
Favourite Movies
The Dark Crystal, Alien, Aliens, Legend, Prometheus
Favourite TV Shows
The Mentalist, Whose Line Is It Anyway
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Michael Jackson, Blink 182, Daft Punk
Favourite Books
The Birth of the Firebringer, Dark Moon
Favourite Writers
Roald Dahl, Hans Christian Anderson, The Grim Brothers
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Traditional art mediums, my heart and my mind.
Other Interests
Arts, Dancing, Cosplay, Travelling, Dreaming, Poetry, Fantasy, Vintage.

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Great Gallery Jo & Invite to join Global Super Group :star: :iconcutieshots: :star: & :new: Chat Room :star: Please join soon :star: :iconhappynewyearplz: :star: xoLexxiiCutieShots
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, wherever you are =)
:iconspreadloveplz: Happy Birthday~! :iconheartrollplz:
Happy birthday!!
Best wishes from your watcher ^_^
Have a wonderful day today! :party:

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