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CG 20 - Azure Knight



Dated 11/03/09. Yay, I'm done! WOOT GO AZURE!

EDIT: 9/26/12. Just going through my old drawings, and realized how badly drawn this was. 15 minutes in photoshop fixes everything!


Lapis the Azure

Lapis is the younger sister of Rosetta, and is the last to join the Sky Knights. Born with unmatched strength, she was the ideal candidate to be a knight. However, she was often absent-minded and unresponsive, thus Nightwolf considered her personality to be unfit to become a knight. Six years after Rosetta have joined the Sky Knights, Lapis was a bit more mature and controllable, and under the recommendation and supervision of her sister, she was finally able to join the Sky Knights.

Only after she joined did Nightwolf realize she's actually very intelligent. She thinks very carefully, but that is actually her problem and the reason of her absent-mindedness; she over thinks too much, and ends up getting carried off and lost in her own train of thoughts. In training, she was able to utilize and combo most of the moves she just learned in a few tries.

She studied most of the basics fighting style, and can use most weapon decently. Due to the lack of time, however, she focused heavily on offense while abandoning defensive and evasive skills, making her extremely weak in defense. Besides that, her lack of endurance as a result of her lack of training is rather obvious; she would be out of breath and possibly on her knees after just a short amount of time in combat.

She prefers using oversize weapons though, since she can utilize her raw strength to the limit because they're less likely to break on impact (she broke tons of smaller weapons during training). However, using oversize weapons take a heavy toll on her low stamina, and exhausts her even quicker.

When she heard the news that her sister was killed on duty, Lapis had only one thing in mind; Revenge. She stopped training and marched straight to find her sister's murderer. Due to this, she is the only Sky Knight that was never officially deployed or titled, and cannot be considered as a true knight (even though she insists she is one).
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