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BlackGryph0n's avatar

She's just being Pinkie Pie

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:iconpinkiepieplz: HI AGAIN!!! REMEMBER ME?!

So you know those annoying TV and CC things that pop up at the begining of virtually every TV show on air? Yeah, Pinkie Pie totally sees them... :smoking:

What are the characters thinking here?
What would you say to Pinkie Pie if you were in this situation?
Care to write it down?
Maybe a little friendly competition?
Ending in bloodshed?
Stay out of my shed?
What the heck is wrong with me?
Ok... I'll stop now... :lonely:

EDIT: WOW!! :omfg: 3,000 faves in less than 24 hours?! :wow: YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! :happybounce:

Yeah, this took to long... But it's my first vector with all the characters! So LA! :la:

Anyhoo, Kinda drew this to promo a new song BAASIK and I are collaborating on. So far, all we have is the teaser and that won't be ready until tomorrow... Still, I did just write a glitch/house song a week ago, so if y'all wanna listen to that insted, feel free! :D [link]

Anyhoo, thanks for yer support an' all!
Hope everypony is doin' well!
As always, I LOVE Y'ALL!! :tighthug:

:iconmlpfimplz: © :iconhasbroplz: & :iconfyre-flye:
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